Claims FAQ

    Perhaps you'll find a response to your most burning questions here. These replies and claim reads do not replace the claim advice, but should give you a rough orientation.

    Where can I find detailed information?

    At our office there is either information from us or from a specialist lawyer on legal advice.

    How do I write a claim?

    You won’t have to at all! Our lawyers have put together forms that you can use. They cannot be accessed online as opposing lawyers do look in on our website from time to time and we have made an interesting change to the form this year that will increase your chances of winning.

    Do I need a private attorney?

    Generally, at the first instance of proceedings you will get by fine without having your own lawyer. Should you be unclear about something or in need of legal advice, you can also use our lawyer once a week free of charge. That is more than enough when you consider the slow grind of the legal mill. You usually have a period of two weeks to answer letters. Besides having your own attorney will cost a load of money, that
    could be more meaningfully invested elsewhere ;)

    How long does such a process take?
    A decision is usually expected by early November.

    So is it not too late to take up studies?

    No. ;) What’s stopping you from going to lectures and seminars even though you are (not yet!) students?

    Will I be taking away a university place from someone else?
    No. The Administrative Court estimates and furnishes such things e.g. seminar with a fixed size. This is the specification of the Rectors' Conference. Consequently, there are no overcrowded seminars or lectures due to you. Further information is available from us.

    Will everyone know that I sued?
    Only the HU’s external lawyers and the Admissions Office "know" that you are suing. The registration office will certify it with a sticker on your documents, which is eventually removed when you finally have a place at university. Your professors, lecturers and fellow students will not know anything about it!

    I have more than 16 waiting semesters (Wartesemester) but only 16th will be recognized.
    Please register with us immediately!

    I want to study Primary Education. Are there many experiences to draw on there?

    Yes. As last year’s procedure has not yet been completed it is difficult to make a statement about that. Just come to the advice office for further information.

    Are outside capacity applications possible?

    The application must be submitted by 30.09. (for university entry), otherwise the case is dismissed. The HU rejected applications in previous years with a rejection letter, so that no additional applications were made. We believe that it is the case again this year. The rejection would have to stand as "a registration outside the specified capacity is not possible." It is different with courses at the Charite and other Berlin universities and colleges. Even though you are yet to receive a rejection, or rather have learned of your rejection after making a telephone enquiry (FU), you must submit the application by 30.09.

    I am in litigation and want to withdraw the suit. How can I do that?

    You cannot! If you withdraw the lawsuit, you will pay the full cost of the procedure, including the costs imposed on the other side. That is to say over 1000 €. Before you do such a thing come and see us first and let us advise you!

    Where can I get the forms for the applications and any further information?
    Application forms are available from us. These are prepared by our lawyers. In addition, there is also a form at the Administrative Court of Berlin that you will be able to get hold of.

    Do I need to know more?

    Yes, there is still further information. Read the Claims-Reader and come to us for advice! This is important because we will then be able to discuss the next steps in your individual case more specifically.

    For any questions please get in contact by e-mail, telephone or drop by during our office hours!

    • edited:08.08.24, 13:39